Hi from my busy ass that can’t even remember to post on December 1st. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been a little absent from my blog (aside from these epic tarotscopes from Cassandra) and social media. There’s no reason other than the fact that I’m still trying to learn to make time for this side of my life in addition to my work during the day. If any of you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments below or send me a message. Let’s see what Cassandra and her cards had to say about what’s in store for our brains this month.
The World is about endings, and it is a very predictable December reading regardless of context. In the context of mental illness and self-care, The World speaks directly to what’s next for our healing and the ability to maintain our mental health. This year had a lot of ups and downs, and now we’re here at the end wondering what 2019 will bring. It’s natural that this kind and affirming end-of-chapter card would show up, but it’s not coming without bringing us some homework.
The World is specifically interpreted as coming to a successful ending or close, and it’s often discussed that for this ending to truly be successful you’ve got to go through and track and learn the lessons that life and the tarot were trying to teach you throughout 2018. Specifically, where our mental illness is concerned, this is a card of thinking through the tools in our toolkits that did and did not work this year. As we think about the effect our mental health has on the rest of our life, we need to think through what we learned about ourselves as employees or employers, as friends, as partners, as our parent’s children, as our cat’s mom, or any other role we fulfill in this life. What made us able to bring our best self-even at our worst-into a situation or relationship? What was NOT successful? I hate asking you all to relive ugly times from the past year, but it’s crucial as we do move ahead and move forward to review where we might have gone awry or if there were certain triggers or times in the year where our mental illness was not manageable. Once you have those answers, you can go into 2019 confidently.
The World is also sometimes incredibly literal. If your depression makes you isolate or poverty trauma makes you hesitant to travel, this card wants us to spend some of December breaking out of our shell and getting out into the literal world. Even if you’re broke, there are cheap and free things to do in your city or township, most likely, and getting out is the most important thing. This is especially true as SAD kicks in for the year as it does for so many people who are already struggling with their mental illness. It’s so tempting just to stay home because we’re low energy, but that’s almost never the right thing to do when it’s the season change that’s messing with those energy levels.
What I love about The World from this particular deck is that the person in the photo is sitting on top of the world, smug as can be. This person has lived through all of the advice I just walked you through and knows there are great things in the coming year if we can but learn and close the current chapters successfully. We don’t know what 2019 will hold and if we’ve had an unpredictable 2018 that’s probably making us as nervous as anything. This card promises that there are happy surprises and intriguing mysteries along the way. This month we should be prepping to embrace the best life, and The World have to offer, even if we know we’ll still hit significant speed bumps along the way. -Cassandra Snow
For more info on Cassandra and to book your own card reading, click HERE!