TOPIC: How to make and use a thought log to regulate your emotions. To read more about thought logs, you can check out this book here that I reference for this installment of Therapy Thursday. It's called Mind Over Mood and I used it while I was going to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
WHEN TO USE: If you need something to calm down a panic attack, intense thoughts, irrational thoughts, worries, anger, jealousy, etc.
HOW TO USE: Click HERE for more info on the example below. For more detail on how to use these charts, click HERE to read the description from the International Bipolar Foundation.
EXAMPLES: Here are some things to note:
-In the "Your Feelings" column, rate how extreme your moods feel when you are in the situation.
-In the "Automatic Thoughts" column, circle your 'hot thought,' which is the most prominent thought that keeps popping up for you.
-"Case For" and "Case Against" just means 'what evidence do you have FOR or AGAINST the automatic thoughts you are thinking.
-Finally, rate your moods again at the end of the chart.
WHY IT'S LEGIT: Because nobody every said, "I've been really into freaking the fuck out about literally everything lately. You should try it."
ABOUT THERAPY THURSDAY: Join me every Thursday on my Instagram story (@domjoellehaikel) as I share with you a new tip/trick I learned in therapy over the years. If you can't catch the stories in time, look out for written recaps like these or a replay of the story on my Insta page.