Check out the latest #TherapyThursday up on my IGTV right now! This time we’re talking about naming our anxiety and telling it to fuck off. Here’s a SUPER easy trick you can try in order to feel better right now. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!
Therapy Thursday: Act Like a Kid to Feel Better
The latest #TherapyThursday is up on my IGTV right now. If you don’t know, Therapy Thursday is a weekly installment where I share with you one tip I learned in therapy over the years. This time we’re talking about
Therapy Thursday: Why Do I Feel Like Shit?
Here’s the latest #TherapyThursday! A weekly installment where I share with you one tip I learned in therapy. This time we’re talking about how to find out what might be responsible for your shitty mood.
Therapy Thursday: How to Break Up With Your Trash Therapist
Welcome back to #TherapyThursday. The weekly installment where I share with you one tip I learned in therapy. Today we’re talking about three ways to break up with your therapist.
Therapy Thursday: (Legally) Get Your Meds on the Cheap
Did you know you can shop around for the lowest prices on your meds the same way you can for a pair of late-90s, rectangle-framed Gucci sunglasses? It's true. On this episode of #TherapyThursday, I'll show you how.
WHAT THE HELL IS THERAPY THURSDAY?! I started #TherapyThursday when I realized how many people were in need of a therapist but didn't have the resources to find one (including myself at specific points). I share one trick, lesson, or lightbulb I learned in a personal therapy session with YOU each week in an Instagram story. Keep in mind, I'm not a therapist, mental health, or medical professional. This segment is not intended as a replacement for therapy or medical treatment. Please do not use it as such. This is purely a weekly space for people to gather, listen, ask questions, and ultimately feel less alone. For more info, please read my disclaimer HERE. Catch the segment every Thursday on my Instagram stories @DomJoelleHaikel. Don't forget to follow me there, so you never miss an episode! xo
Therapy Thursday: Mindfully Eat Your Meat
Sincerely sorry I could not think of a better title.
WHAT THE HELL IS THERAPY THURSDAY?! I started #TherapyThursday when I realized how many people were in need of a therapist but didn't have the resources to find one (including myself at specific points). I share one trick, lesson, or lightbulb I learned in a personal therapy session with YOU each week in an Instagram story. Keep in mind, I'm not a therapist, mental health, or medical professional. This segment is not intended as a replacement for therapy or medical treatment. Please do not use it as such. This is purely a weekly space for people to gather, listen, ask questions, and ultimately feel less alone. For more info, please read my disclaimer HERE. Catch the segment every Thursday on my Instagram stories @DomJoelleHaikel. Don't forget to follow me there, so you never miss an episode! xo
Therapy Thursday: Breathe Your Bullshit Away
Update: I'm going to be linking my original Therapy Thursday videos from Instagram here instead of doing written recaps like THESE. That way you won't miss out on the original video if you don't have Instagram. xo!
Therapy Thursday # 16: How to Heal Your Past Self So You Don't Turn Into an Unsavory Shit Head
TOPIC: Healing a past trauma
WHEN TO USE: When you've experienced a past micro or major trauma that negatively affects your current life.
HOW TO USE (With Examples): An old DBT therapist taught me this trick, and it's legit as hell.
Therapy Thursday #14: Throw Your Undying Paranoid Bullshit Thoughts On A Conveyor Belt
TOPIC: A trick to make unwanted thoughts get the fuck out of your head (at least for the time being).
Therapy Thursday # 13: How to Accept All the Clownery You Can't Change
TOPIC: Radical Acceptance - taken from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
WHEN TO USE: When you're having trouble experiencing grueling, painful realities. I used to use this to mourn and move on from breakups. Try this to soothe any trauma such as the passing of a loved one, acceptance of an addiction, change in health, or realizing you need to seek help. You can also use it for less-pressing situations like, "fuck, I really need to do my laundry." The possibilities are truly endless.
Therapy Thursday # 12: Valentine's Day Edition
TOPIC: The Five Love Languages
WHEN TO USE: If you're not great at communicating with your significant other. If they're not great at communicating with you. If you and/or your partner feel undervalued in the relationship even though the other party feels they are doing all that they can to show you their love. If you just want to know what the fuck your love language is, Dominique, GOD GET ON WITH IT.
Therapy Thursday # 11: Thought Log Your Probs Away
TOPIC: How to make and use a thought log to regulate your emotions. To read more about thought logs, you can check out this book here that I reference for this installment of Therapy Thursday. It's called Mind Over Mood and I used it while I was going to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
WHEN TO USE: If you need something to calm down a panic attack, intense thoughts, irrational thoughts, worries, anger, jealousy, etc.
HOW TO USE: Click HERE for more info on the example below. For more detail on how to use these charts, click HERE to read the description from the International Bipolar Foundation.
EXAMPLES: Here are some things to note:
-In the "Your Feelings" column, rate how extreme your moods feel when you are in the situation.
-In the "Automatic Thoughts" column, circle your 'hot thought,' which is the most prominent thought that keeps popping up for you.
-"Case For" and "Case Against" just means 'what evidence do you have FOR or AGAINST the automatic thoughts you are thinking.
-Finally, rate your moods again at the end of the chart.
WHY IT'S LEGIT: Because nobody every said, "I've been really into freaking the fuck out about literally everything lately. You should try it."
ABOUT THERAPY THURSDAY: Join me every Thursday on my Instagram story (@domjoellehaikel) as I share with you a new tip/trick I learned in therapy over the years. If you can't catch the stories in time, look out for written recaps like these or a replay of the story on my Insta page.
Therapy Thursday # 10: I Tried Anger Management So You Don't Have To (But Maybe You Should, Tbh?)
TOPIC: How to tell if you're trying to win an argument instead working through one productively. According to my anger management class, winning an argument is not the goal, and only leads to the creation of more problems.
WHEN TO USE: If you have trouble resolving arguments with loved ones or people in general. If you tend to fight dirty and use insults, underhanded comments, physical harm, and other emotionally abusive tactics. If you're often irritable or lash out at others. If you think you could benefit from anger management.
HOW TO USE (With Examples): Here's how to tell if you're trying to win:
-You point the finger at the other person: "It's your fault I'm like this!"
-You bring up blackmail-worthy information to hurt the other person: "Remember when you dated that abusive guy before me? No wonder you're abusive too."
-You bring up past history: "Well, at 3 pm on October 7th, 1982 you forgot to wash the dishes! Why are you getting mad at me for forgetting today?!"
-You use black and white statements like 'you always' or 'you never:' "You ALWAYS forget to wash the dishes!"
-You become passive aggressive: You expect your partner to read your mind. You expect them to know how you feel without your having to express it.
-You use statements like, 'you're just like [insert person or thing here!]:' "You're just like my abusive ex-boyfriends' dog!"
WHY IT'S LEGIT: Realistically it's probably going to be hard to catch yourself doing these things right away. It has been for me. If I'm arguing with my significant other, for example, I like to have him catch me mid-fight when I accidentally pull one of those moves above. It's annoying but it helps me wake up and realize that I'm just trying to win and be mean.
ABOUT THERAPY THURSDAY: Join me every Thursday on my Instagram story (@domjoellehaikel) as I share with you a new tip/trick I learned in therapy over the years. If you can't catch the stories in time, look out for written recaps like these or on my
Therapy Thursday # 7: Smoke That Cig If You Really, REALLY Need To (Maybe)
After a brief holiday/self-care break...IM BACK with a new #TherapyThursday. I swear there are new blog posts on their way as well. Look out for a NEW SERIES starting tomorrow!!! Thanks for your patience as I figure out why every blogger is able to write 300 posts per week and I struggle to write one. I'm going to go ahead and blame it on the fact that many of my posts to come will involve a little bit of research so that I can give you information beyond that of my personal experience. Trust me if I just talked about myself all the time I'd be a fashion blogger posting pictures of my Saint Laurent bags next to acai bowls. Nothing wrong with that journey, it's just not mine (even though someday I hope to get to that level of bloggery). xoxo!
Therapy Thursday # 6: How to Not Feel Like a Useless Bunghole
Happy holidays all! Here's the latest #TherapyThursday from last week.
TOPIC: Building Mastery; Reminding yourself you are a capable, accomplished human when you feel like a total skid mark.
WHEN TO USE: When you feel like you haven't done shit all day, accomplished anything in life, feel worthless, or have a large/new goal or that seems impossible to achieve.
Therapy Thursday Recap #3: Distract yourself so you don't lose your shit
Here's your #TherapyThursday recap! If you have any topics you'd like for me to cover - send me a message!
Therapy Thursday Recap #1!
Hey all! Here's your belated #TherapyThursday recap from last week. I promise to be more timely about these as we move forward. Just getting used to the fact that I have A FREAKING BLOG NOW OMGAH.
TOPIC: How I Get Out of My Head When I'm Freaking Out/Anxious/Obsessing/Etc.
WHEN TO USE: Say you're on a plane and it starts shaking rather aggressively. You're all going to die, right? Right, if you're someone with anxiety like myself. Just kidding! You're better than that because you have this nifty trick i'm about to share with you. I like to call it, "focus and describe shit." If you couldn't tell, I have no recollection of its technical name because I was taught this roughly 10 years ago. Can also be used when you're obsessing, generally anxious, or any situation where you just need a break from the thoughts in your head.
HOW TO USE: Pick any object/person/animal/thing in your surroundings. Start describing that thing to yourself in your head. For example: "The person sitting next to me has big nose. They have brown hair. They are wearing a green shirt. There is a earth-shattering booger on their sleeve," and so on. Alternatively, I'm sure it works just fine to describe said thing out loud or write it down as well.
WHY ITS LEGIT: This exercise gets you out of your anxious, obsessive head space and into the moment. The goal is to focus less on whatever is stressing you out and more on the thing in front of you. Hope that helps!
ABOUT THERAPY THURSDAY: Join me every Thursday on my Instagram story (@domjoellehaikel) as I share with you a new tip/trick I learned in therapy over the years. If you can't catch the stories in time, look out for recaps like these each week!